How do I create an account?
To create a list account all you have to do is subscribe to a list. To subscribe, send mail to, where listname is the name of the list you want to subscribe to.
Alternately, you can fill out the account creation form.
When you create an account, Sympa (the mail list software we use) creates a random password and mails it to your email address. This prevents others from subscribing you without your permission and verifies that your address is real. You should change the random password as soon as possible to a password which you can remember.
Note that the accounts for lists at are completely different from email accounts at
How do I change my password?
Login using your full email address and password, then click the Preferences link near the top of the page. There you will find a form for changing your password.
I forgot my password!
Fill out the password reminder form. Your password will be sent to the email address you specify.
I don’t have a password!
If someone else subscribed you to a list, it is possible that you do not have a password. Fill out the new password form. A temporary password will be sent to the email address you specify, along with directions for changing it.
How do I change my subscription address?
To change the email address which you use to subscribe to all list, follow these steps:
- Login using your current address at
- Click the Preferences link.
- Where is says Email: fill in your new email address and click Save.
NOTE: You do not want to use this form if you are a list owner or moderator. It will result in you losing ownership of your lists! Roughly, follow these steps instead:
- add the new address as an additional owner
- follow the steps above to change your subscription email address
- remove the old address from being a list owner.
See the List Definition page for information on how to do this.
How do I pick a good password?
- *不要使用字典中的单词*或者专有名词。因为大多数人选择一个密码是字典中的单词的变化,所以密码往往容易被破解。在人类语言中,根本没有那么多单词:找一台普通的电脑试一下吧!这包括你使用数字去替代单词中的字母。比如,"L0V3"和"LOVE"一样容易被破解。
- *不用使用同样的密码*在您的所有账户。此外,在安全的地方记录您的密码,比在任何地方都使用一样的密码安全的多。
- *不要忘记修改密码*。 您至少需要每年修改一次密码。
- *不要把您的密码告诉任何人*,特别是向您索取密码的人。
1. 使用密码储物箱
- 以您可以记住的*多个单词*开头。
- 把这些单词转换成 *非单词*(例如,取每个单词的第一个字母)。
- 添加一些随机的*大写字母、数字或符号*,你的密码就选好了。
您可以从"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"取出"trwNbt",然后添加一些随机字符,就成了 “trwNbt!42”。
3. 口令
- 随机挑选几个你可以很容易记住的单词。混合来自不同的语言和非字典中的单词是一个好办法。
- 把这些字符串分成一个长的口令。这会更长,但更容易输入。