Terms of Service

This document describes what activities are allowed, under what conditions we may terminate your account, and asserts our limited liability. It applies to all interactions with riseup.net. Your use of riseup.net services constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Service.


  1. If you do anything truly evil, we will terminate your account.
  2. We are not liable for any damages related to the use of this service.
  3. You agree to hold patience in your heart for the hard work we do.

Privacy policies

We ask that you review our(Privacy Policy), so that you are aware of how we collect and use your information.

Ownership of and responsibility for content

All Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such Content. We may not monitor or control the Content posted via the Services and we cannot take responsibility for such Content. Any use or reliance on any Content or materials posted via the Services or obtained by you through the Services is at your own risk. You are responsible for your use of the Services, for any Content you provide, and for any consequences thereof.

Refraining from certain activities

You may not engage in the following activities through the services provided by riseup.net:

  • Harassing or abusing others by engaging in threats, stalking or sending spam. This includes usernames, aliases or using any of our resources for this purpose.
  • Misuse of services by distributing scams, phishing, viruses or malware, engaging in a denial of service attack, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, including this one.
  • Contributing to the ***** of others by distributing material where the production process created violence or *****ual assault against persons.
  • Do not trade, sell, publicly give away, or publicly offer invites to people you don’t know.

Account Termination

riseup.net may terminate your service at any time for any reason. Typically, however, accounts are destroyed because of one of the following conditions:

  • The account has been found to be sending Spam (excessive amounts of unsolicited email).
  • The account has engaged one or more of the banned activities listed above.

Limitation on Liability

You agree that riseup.net is not liable to you or to any other party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, regardless of whether we were advised of the possibility of such damage. In the case that applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, although our liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Choice of Forum and Law

You agree that these Terms of Service and your use of riseup’s services is governed by the law of the State of Washington and any claim or dispute shall be resolved in the Superior Court for King County, Washington. You agree that the English language version of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is controlling in any claim or dispute.

Your account terminates on your death

You agree that any rights to your riseup account, including all information stored therein, terminate upon your death.

Policy regarding copyright infringement - DMCA

riseup.net complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s notice and take-down procedures. DMCA complaints should be addressed to:

Alan Korn
1840 Woolsey Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Ph. (510)548-7300
Fax (510)284-3750

Please note that it is riseup.net’s policy to take reasonable steps, within our power, to terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances.

No Warranty

You understand and agree that riseup provides online services “as is” and without any warranty, express, implied, or statutory. We specifically disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particularly purpose and non-infringement. We make no warranty as to the reliability, accessibility, or quality of our services. You agree that the use of our services is at your sole and exclusive risk.

Changes to this policy

We reserve the right to change this policy. If we make major changes, we will notify our users in a clear and prominent manner. Minor changes may only be highlighted in the footer of our website.