

According to an article in cnet[1], there is bi-partisan support for severe changes to the data retention laws in the United States. These proposals may be voted on this week.

Currently, the US is one of the few countries with good laws regarding data retention: a internet provider may be required to turn over data to authorities, but they are not required to collect any data in the first place.

Under a new proposal[2] from Rep. Diana DeGetteick[3] (D-CO), any Internet service that “enables users to access content” must permanently retain records that would permit police to identify each user. The records could not be discarded until at least one year after the user’s account was closed.

If enacted into law, this might make it impossible for to operate in the United States. While it might sound like a good idea to flee the Empire sooner than later, we have invested heavily in building our infrastructure in the US. Also, there are not many places on earth which are better, legally speaking.

We will keep you, our loyal users, up to date on any new developments regarding this proposed law.

[1] [2] ;(PDF of proposed law) [3]


After careful consideration, we have decided to phase out insecure connections to Don’t panic! We will make this change gradually over time so as to minimize the inconvenience and pain. This change is kind of like switching to recycled toilet paper: it may be a pain in the ass at first, but you will be better off in the long run.

Currently, you may connect to services using either a secure or insecure connection. A secure connection is one where all the communication between your computer and the server is encrypted. Typically, secure connections use either SSL or TLS. With an insecure connection, on the other hand, all the data is sent in “clear text” which makes it very easy for someone to eavesdrop on the communication.

In a web browser, if you look in the location bar and see “https://” at the beginning then the connection is secure. If you see “https://” then the connection is insecure.

Over the next couple months, we will begin disabling insecure connections on the standard domains. Don’t worry: we will give you many more warnings! During our transition period, we will still allow insecure connections, but only using a special ‘insecure’ domains.

IMAP receiving email secure: insecure:

POP receiving email secure: insecure:

SMTP sending email secure: insecure: not available

Web mail secure: insecure:

Mailing lists secure: insecure:

Eventually, the insecure domains will go away once they are not being used anymore. If you have questions or concerns about this change, fill out a help ticket at

If you are having difficulty using secure connections, please read


Alright *****… it is time to empty out the piggy bank, turn out your pockets, and search the couch for lost coins: riseup needs money!

We have started to pay a meager stipend to four of our collective members. This will enable them to focus more energy on their work for If we are going to continue these stipends, we need to greatly increase the donations in 2006 over what we received last year.

This is the only way we are going to be able to keep pace with the demand for services. Our higher budget should mean better services, more capacity, and faster response times on trouble tickets. Best of all, it takes us closer to our goal of building a stable alternative institution bent on resisting all domination. Super fun!

Also, look at it this way: your money is not going to be worth much after the collapse, so you might as well give it to us now!

See for information on how to contribute. We ask that people living in the Global South do not donate to but rather keep their resources local.