
riseup story time

In our early days, all of Riseup’s servers were housed in people’s basements around Seattle. Though lovely in theory, in practice it meant that power outages, heat loving vermin shacking up with our boxes, and eco-conscious house guests turning off computers, could lead to collective panic. Our motto during this time was “Just as reliable as Hotmail.” We didn’t always know if we were doing the right thing spending so much time writing software, fixing bugs, and providing services, but we hoped it would grow and be good for the movement.

So here we are, seven years later, still hoping we are useful to people. If you have any stories of how Riseup.net has affected your world, we would love to hear them, and might include a few in our newsletter this year. Please send them to pigeon@riseup.net.

list requests are back

Our list requests were all screwed up for the last month and a half, we couldn’t see the requests when they were coming in, we fixed that but we are sad about how long some of your requests were waiting. Its all fixed now, so lets have a group hug.

how long does mail last?

Messages in your Sent folder are automatically deleted after 120 days! Your Spam folder gets cleared out once a week! Your Trash every three weeks! This is an automatic, system-wide process and we can’t make any special exceptions. If you are hiding away messages in one of those folders thinking they will last through the winter so you can pull them out later to feast on them like a squirrel, you should move them to another folder, or back them up locally.

For more information, see: https://help.riseup.net/mail/special-folders/

seeking ruby on rails volunteers

The revolution will not be hosted by myspace! Riseup is steadily building Crabgrass, our very own open source, not for profit, social organizing platform. Crabgrass is designed for group and network organizing, and tailored to the needs of the global justice movement.

There’s an excellent crew of developers (some from riseup, some not) actively working on this project. If you are a ruby on rails developer, html / css or ajax coder and are interested in getting into the development mix contact starling@riseup.net

you too can enjoy the thrill of donating to riseup

Thank you to all the people and organizations who have supported us throughout the years. We exist solely through user support. If you haven’t yet given, give it a try! It’s easy and you know that paying for the services you use (or more, if you can), goes directly to providing social justice activists and organizations around the world with communication tools that are a real alternative to corporate control of our technical infrastructure.

Learn more about all the different ways you can support Riseup, https://help.riseup.net/about-us/donate